Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Popol Vuh Chapter 6: Ascension

Popol Vuh Chapter 6:  Ascension

Okay show’s over, No more blood was spilled 

The twins raised their hands the sky

They cried their names, and those of their fathers 
And Huracan was more than thrilled 

So long you been away, 
On Earth we thought you’d stay 
Welcome back we’ve missed you so

Pixie mist swirled all around them 
Then lifted them to the sky 
On a cloud of light 

Hunahpu the moon, Xbalanque the sun 
Always keep those heads raised high

Never alone, four hundred youths 
Help you constellate the sky

Xibalba fools gone away 
Heaven’s love is here to stay 
In your hearts we find home 

Arch of heaven & Face of Earth 
Are connected through the light 
Behold the hero twins ascend. 

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Two old fools appeared at Hell’s doors 
With fire magik not seen before 
They cut and burned themselves to bits 
Then they reformed. 

“Bring these minstrels here!” said One and Seven-Death 
“Must see this magik before there’s nothing left” 
The old fools declined, humbled and ashamed. 
Beaten to obey, all part of the game 

“Where do you come from?” the Lords asked 
“We know not of our strange blood’s past” 
“Now kill our dog then best bring him back.” 
“That was good but…” 

“Can you kill man ‘til he’s at his last breath?” 
“Return his life once his heart’s out his chest?” 
“With ease” the masked twins replied. 
With a hand wave the Lazarus man opened his eyes 

“Now kill yourselves, our magik trick staff” 
They did and came back having a good laugh 
“Please do us next, we want the big fun!!!” 
They cut them up...

...And never ever put the Lords back together 
The twins removed the skin and clothes of leather 
“It’s now you fools who shit you pants!!!” 
Their uncles friends were then tormented with ants!

Popol Vuh Chapter 4: Martires

Popol Vuh Chapter 4:  Martires

The Devils, mad as hell, just wanted the twins dead 
So the bat lord Kama-Zotz sliced off Hun’s head 
Xbalanque screamed a mountain through their revelry 
He promised them a quick death soon to be. 
The buzzard Vuch wings blanketed the sun 
And Huracan smiled as the next chapter was spun (now I tell ya)

“Hun’s head shell is now complete 
Just play along and we’ll seal their defeat, 
Rabbit friend steal the ball that they will track 
By the fucking stars we’ll get my brother’s head back!!!” 

Devils hurled ball at Hun’s head for decimation 
Xbal stopped the ball with magik deflection 
The rubber ball rolled deep into the woods 
Seven monsters followed it as best they could 
The rabbit hid ball and the Lords were deceived 
It was then that Hunahpu’s head was retrieved 
The brogue worked time to finish off the liars 
To beat the devil you must first survive his pyre. 

“We’ll jump in willingly you know we ain’t scared!!!” 
They did then a powder of their bones was prepared 
The devils cast their problem ashes to the stream 
Then talks of mermen filled their ears and their dreams

Popol Vuh Chapter 3: Incarnation

Popol Vuh Chapter 3:  Incarnation

Magic twins of Blood with different names 
Played ball, miffed the gods as their fathers did the same 
The lords sent a challenge in a jungle roll 
A bug in a frog in a snake in a Russian hawk doll 
Armed with blowguns and Xan the Mosquo spy 
They crossed the river and called the Lords to their eyes 
They never smoked cigars or felt the hot seat 
So clever they were leading to the Devils’ defeat 

We are your incarnation 
The worst kind of distant relation 

“Who or what are you???!!! Where do you come from???!!!” 

“We do not know.  But your blood will flow!!!” 

Magic ants snuck dew pedals past the owl fools 
Lords slashed their mouths so future owls open wide to “who” 
In the Pantera House the twins threw bones 
The big bunch of hungry pussies then left them alone 
Getting closer to crush Xibalba’s empire 
Bricks of coal and wood pacified the house of fire 
Lords of Hell forget the future’s sewn from the past 
And how your nasty actions gives karma the last laugh. 

We are your incarnation 
The worst kind of distant relation 

“Who or what are you???!!! Where do you come from???!!!” 

“We do not know.  But your blood will flow!!!” 

Popol Vuh Chapter 2: Pair a Dice Lost

Popol Vuh Chapter 2: Pair a Dice Lost


Screamed seven devil Lords of Xibalba 
Have you no respect for the dead? 
four owls sent to present a duel to the fools 
A game in Hell is called, wear your best threads 
Walk down endless stairwells past a blood filled lake 
A four colored crossroads awaits your mistake 
evil jokesters made decoys for a laugh 
and the stone bench burns the skin right off your ass! 

We are the Lords of lands of deceit 
you offer your souls at the base of our feet 
Be sent to a house where the freezing wind howls 
or one where Pumas stalk you with snarls and growls! 
A house where knives screech ‘til you’re crazy with in 
A house of bats that bite and shroud your skin 
The twins shat their pants awaiting their doom 
Banished to darkness in the House of Endless Gloom 

Devil Lords gave them candles and cigars 
Un Trojan Regalo shines in black morning dew 
“Strip and paint them for death on the altars!” 
Then a Seven Club pulled out the Hearts of Two 
Buried at Puzbal-Char, Hun’s head fruited a tree 
Lord Blood’s lil’ girl swallowed its Seed of Progeny 
Four Owls sent to present the new mother with death 
But they saved her and only a phony heart was left 

We are the Lords of lands of deceit 
you offer your souls at the base of our feet 
Be sent to a house where the freezing wind howls 
or one where Pumas stalk you with snarls and growls! 
A house where knives screech ‘til you’re crazy with in 
A house of bats that bite and shroud your skin 
The twins shat their pants awaiting their doom 
Banished to darkness in the House of Endless Gloom

Popol Vuh Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Popol Vuh Chapter 1:  In the Beginning

Brothers Calm and Silence broke their vows of self 

to scream to life one existence 

For him, her, this, that, and all that’s in between 
Their tongues filled a universally shared dream 

The cries of dumb beasts seemed to displease 
and the mouths of the mud men were also ceased 

Gods can move in mysterious ways 
Strange how omniscience still craves our praise 

Sad fates for the forgotten men of wood 
an endangered few survived being cat food 

By monkeying round in the trees 
you can still hear there howls in the misty silk breeze...

Ack-Ack Oo-OOOOOooooo

Ack-Ack Oo-OOOOOooooo

Then came their son of their overwhelming pride 
Vucub-Caquix had diamond eyes and gold bones inside 
“I am the Sun, the Light, the Moon” 
Calm and Silence shook their heads at the baffoon 

Foolish Vucub claimed light as his glory 
The Hero Twins own that right, this is their story....

Blue Moon Shoveler

And the construction worked stopped between shovelfuls of concrete and debris to wipe the dust off of his brow as the night pressed on like a westbound train to a far away coast. The confetti of glass, rock, and metal on his shoulders and forearms shone in the moonlit glow like blue-collar rhinestones. 
This kind of urban dry rub is actually tiny cuts that won't be felt until a wash cloth rubs the particles away with bits of skin still attached.
Taking a moment to breathe he lit up a cigarette. He looked up to the sky as if to see a mystic answer etched in stars that would never come. It was then that he saw the blue moon rising.

"Haven't seen a moon like that in some time"
He snorted out a black glob of sooty snot, shrugged, and continued to shovel some more.
A few shovel loads in he thought to himself,
"Someday, I won't have to shovel past midnight.
Someday, but I guess not today"