Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Two old fools appeared at Hell’s doors 
With fire magik not seen before 
They cut and burned themselves to bits 
Then they reformed. 

“Bring these minstrels here!” said One and Seven-Death 
“Must see this magik before there’s nothing left” 
The old fools declined, humbled and ashamed. 
Beaten to obey, all part of the game 

“Where do you come from?” the Lords asked 
“We know not of our strange blood’s past” 
“Now kill our dog then best bring him back.” 
“That was good but…” 

“Can you kill man ‘til he’s at his last breath?” 
“Return his life once his heart’s out his chest?” 
“With ease” the masked twins replied. 
With a hand wave the Lazarus man opened his eyes 

“Now kill yourselves, our magik trick staff” 
They did and came back having a good laugh 
“Please do us next, we want the big fun!!!” 
They cut them up...

...And never ever put the Lords back together 
The twins removed the skin and clothes of leather 
“It’s now you fools who shit you pants!!!” 
Their uncles friends were then tormented with ants!

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