Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry XXXMas Part Deux

...Ok no lie.  It happened again.  I was walking home from Benny's with a slice of pizza and halfway home I see a car with it's engine and lights on with a slender female frame rocking back and forth on the inhibited seat.  This is the second couple of people fucking publicly in a car I've come across in 24hours. Odds of seeing this in the winter time seem to me like 1000:1

Zero shits given.
Zero questions asked.

I stopped in disbelief as the location these two fixated on in right across the street from a park.  Funny thing is these two lustbirds are probably neighborhood kids and probably use to rock back and forth on the swings and see saws together in between juice boxes and bike rides.  My how a decade or so can change things.

Zero shits given.
Zero questions asked.

Between today and yesterday everyone seems to wanna make a jesus baby, maybe its the Kraken of Catholicism coming up for air in the recesses of their subconsciousness or maybe its just cold outside and people are looking to make warm the ole fashioned way.

Zero shits given.
Zero questions asked.

Something's in the air or maybe in the eggnog.  Yea that sly Santa's been sprinkling spanish fly in the eggnog. Pour me a glass sugar and let's go to the car like civilized folk.

Merry XXXMas

Merry XXXMas

No lie, as I was walking to my car with my cooking dish and Xmas doggie bag and lo and behold two people are fucking in the car behind me...I mean stuffing that stocking.  High school style exuberance. It was beautiful. 

Zero shits given.
Zero questions asked.

The fury of dudes hand did not stop upon seeing my shocked bomber jacketed frame. My black eyes ballooned and glistened with disbelief. Beyond the steamed windows laid a smirk I couldn't see but easily presumed to be there. 

Zero shits given.
Zero questions asked.

Each slam of my door did nothing to deter the holiday love bunnies in the grey Saturn behind me. Every once in a while the lady in the driver seat would lose foot control and revv the engine a bit and the car would moan for her with combustible delight.

Merry XXXmas Baby
Here's to the end of the year,
Here's to the end of the world,
And heres to the hopes of loving our way into new and better ones.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Muchas Gracias 2013

Yeah I'm thankful.

Everyday I breathe in air that while it's not completely pure could be much, much worse.
Everyday I can call either of my two parents and say "I love you and Thanks" (probably should do that more).
Everyday I'm free to make and learn music that kicks ass with other kick ass musicians.

Everyday I can work towards making new creepy music videos for y'all to smile at :)
Everyday I can learn a new something about something that I knew Nothing about previously.
Everyday my eyes open a little more towards a light that is my ultimate goal and purpose.

Everyday I have the ability to eat food that a century ago would have only been "fit" for the upper class.
Everyday I'm swallowed with emotions, good and bad, for the purpose of the human experience.
Everyday a team of awesome people is fighting for the basic human rights that we all want and need that are held captive by the venomous grip of a small portion of mongrels.

Everyday the science of things in my head is wiped clean to not be stagnant on the Laws I've built in my head as Truth to make way for the Theories of Maybe that exist in the present.
Everyday I can make one person smile just by smiling at them, imagine that.
Everyday I have at least one person listen to the stuff that's tumbling outta my head via my mouth for some odd reason.

Everyday I have the option to connect with elder generations in order to relish and understand Their past, share Our present, and discuss My future.
Everyday I have to option to openly date and potentially fall in love with Anyone who is mutually interested in me (that hasn't been a reality for pretty much any of the ethnic groups I'm composed of for a full 100 years in this country <----that's a big deal. Fairy Tales and Shit!)
Everyday I live on this soft pillow of a westernized society after many, many people have fought hard, compromised, worked long hours, swindled, lie, cheated and died all so I could sit in my swanky apartment in my pajamas past noon and write these lines you're reading.

Everyday part of me continues the bloodline of the people first native to these lands of the New World and am thankful that I get to see it through one day at a time in their honor.
Everyday I have the ability expose my voice to billions of people via the technology that humans have built.
Everyday I walk on two moderately healthy feet and use ten moderately healthy fingers to touch and manipulate the world around me that I see with two working eyes, smell with two working nostrils, hear with two arguably working ears, and taste with one very troublesome tongue.

There's so much to be thankful for the list goes on...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday 7:15pm, I'm safe and useless

Just watched a video of the Syrian victims of chemical weapons.  People strewn on the floors of medical centers like worms on the concrete after a strong rain.

vomiting, violent coughing that may lead to vomiting, despondence, convulsions; pain for the old, young, man, woman, indifferent.
Things I haven't experienced communally.

I started crying halfway through the video.

My stomach turned further at the thought of my own tears and what little they did (ok, let's be real they did Nothing) to help the 5 year old child, with his involuntary jerks of his left hand, who may not get to say "I love you" to his parents tomorrow morning (supposing of course that they're still alive). A PRIVILEGE that most of us take for granted, myself included. 

My own day to day, month to month, year to year complaints are childish and pathetic.
My conquests for money and love and sex and social acceptance and control and success and social isolation are the sloth that allow this level of pathology to occur.  

I'm not a bleeding heart hippie, I just don't want children to have to know this pain. I'm not getting on a political soapbox either.  These horrific plans that politicians put into action are older than the figureheads that we sit up like children to root for or boo and hiss at.  Obama this and Bush that.  Like those cunts have any real say.  They just deliver the crap news and admit to things that they didn't personally do. When the dude in the shadows can "push the button" on your whole family with a wave of his scaly, withering hand, you'd take the fall for anything.

I watch gruesome horror and gore movies alllllll the time with no problem and I've for a while diagnosed that it was to tune out the atrocities that man suffers unto his own brothers for pennies on the dime.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Popol Vuh Chapter 6: Ascension

Popol Vuh Chapter 6:  Ascension

Okay show’s over, No more blood was spilled 

The twins raised their hands the sky

They cried their names, and those of their fathers 
And Huracan was more than thrilled 

So long you been away, 
On Earth we thought you’d stay 
Welcome back we’ve missed you so

Pixie mist swirled all around them 
Then lifted them to the sky 
On a cloud of light 

Hunahpu the moon, Xbalanque the sun 
Always keep those heads raised high

Never alone, four hundred youths 
Help you constellate the sky

Xibalba fools gone away 
Heaven’s love is here to stay 
In your hearts we find home 

Arch of heaven & Face of Earth 
Are connected through the light 
Behold the hero twins ascend. 

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Popol Vuh Chapter 5: R&R (Resurrection & Redemption)

Two old fools appeared at Hell’s doors 
With fire magik not seen before 
They cut and burned themselves to bits 
Then they reformed. 

“Bring these minstrels here!” said One and Seven-Death 
“Must see this magik before there’s nothing left” 
The old fools declined, humbled and ashamed. 
Beaten to obey, all part of the game 

“Where do you come from?” the Lords asked 
“We know not of our strange blood’s past” 
“Now kill our dog then best bring him back.” 
“That was good but…” 

“Can you kill man ‘til he’s at his last breath?” 
“Return his life once his heart’s out his chest?” 
“With ease” the masked twins replied. 
With a hand wave the Lazarus man opened his eyes 

“Now kill yourselves, our magik trick staff” 
They did and came back having a good laugh 
“Please do us next, we want the big fun!!!” 
They cut them up...

...And never ever put the Lords back together 
The twins removed the skin and clothes of leather 
“It’s now you fools who shit you pants!!!” 
Their uncles friends were then tormented with ants!

Popol Vuh Chapter 4: Martires

Popol Vuh Chapter 4:  Martires

The Devils, mad as hell, just wanted the twins dead 
So the bat lord Kama-Zotz sliced off Hun’s head 
Xbalanque screamed a mountain through their revelry 
He promised them a quick death soon to be. 
The buzzard Vuch wings blanketed the sun 
And Huracan smiled as the next chapter was spun (now I tell ya)

“Hun’s head shell is now complete 
Just play along and we’ll seal their defeat, 
Rabbit friend steal the ball that they will track 
By the fucking stars we’ll get my brother’s head back!!!” 

Devils hurled ball at Hun’s head for decimation 
Xbal stopped the ball with magik deflection 
The rubber ball rolled deep into the woods 
Seven monsters followed it as best they could 
The rabbit hid ball and the Lords were deceived 
It was then that Hunahpu’s head was retrieved 
The brogue worked time to finish off the liars 
To beat the devil you must first survive his pyre. 

“We’ll jump in willingly you know we ain’t scared!!!” 
They did then a powder of their bones was prepared 
The devils cast their problem ashes to the stream 
Then talks of mermen filled their ears and their dreams